
All presented manuscripts are expected to be published in the journal of “Biodiversitas” (indexed by Scopus, Elsevier) or “Nusantara Bioscience” (indexed by Web of Science via ESCI, Thomson Reuters), both presented at national seminars or international conferences. However, poor-quality manuscripts will be declined.

Given the language barrier, the committee still provides proceedings in Bahasa Indonesia for manuscripts presented at a national seminar, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia (Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon) (ISSN: 2407-8050) that published online. Time for review, revision, editing and publication is three months.

Note: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas (ISSN: 2355-3952) is only used to publish the manuscript presented at the “Seminar Nasional Biodiversitas” held in UNS Solo.



Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity

Biodiversitas encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all biodiversity aspects of plants, animals and microbes at the level of the gene, species, and ecosystem as well as ethnobiology.

Nusantara Bioscience

Nusantara Bioscience

Nusantara Bioscience (Nusantara Biosci) encourages submission of manuscripts dealing with all aspects of biological sciences that emphasize issues germane to biological and nature conservation.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia

Menerbitkan naskah bertemakan keanekaragaman hayati pada tumbuhan, hewan dan mikroba, pada tingkat gen, spesies dan ekosistem serta etnobiologi (pemanfaatan). Di samping itu juga menerbitkan naskah dalam ruang lingkup ilmu dan teknologi hayati lainnya, seperti: pertanian dan kehutanan, peternakan, perikanan, biokimia dan farmakologi, biomedis, ekologi dan ilmu lingkungan, genetika dan biologi evolusi, biologi kelautan dan perairan tawar, mikrobiologi, biologi molekuler, fisiologi dan botani.

Here is the links to publications: