
Event – 2024
International Conference on Biodiversity 29 June 2024
Water Conservation with Sustainable Environmental Management
Water has a very important function for living organisms on Earth. It acts as a source of hydration, a medium for chemical reactions, and nutrient transport in metabolic processes. Ecologically, water also serves as a living place for aquatic organisms. Hence, the importance of water is significant, and decreasing its quality and quantity may affect all organisms on Earth.
Seminar Nasional MBI 4 Mei 2024
Dampak Sampah Makanan (Food Waste) terhadap Ketahanan Pangan secara Berkelanjutan
Pangan merupakan salah satu isu yang sangat penting dalam pembangunan, baik di skala nasional maupun global karena pangan merupakan bagian penting yang dibutuhkan setiap warga negara yang harus dijaga kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Ketersediaan pangan yang kurang dari kebutuhan yang semestinya dapat menyebabkan tidak stabilnya perekonomian suatu negara dan dapat mengancam ketahanan pangan dalam skala nasional. Ketahanan pangan yaitu suatu kondisi terpenuhinya pangan bagi suatu negara yang dapat dilihat melalui ketersediaan pangan yang cukup, aman, bergizi, merata dan terjangkau supaya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup secara berkelanjutan.
Event – 2023
International Conference on Biodiversity 25 November 2023
The solution to overcome global warming; perspective from biology, escpecially biodiversity in the entire of the world
Recently, it is a fact that we face global warming and it has become a central issue and began to be discussed in the world. Global warming is the phenomenon of increasing the average temperature on the earth’s surface and it is a dangerous phenomenon. We are starting to feel the consequences of global warming now, from extreme seasonal changes to weather anomalies. In the past, environmental issues were marginalized or submerged among other major issues such as social, political and economic, now environmental issues have become crucial and often discussed and require real attention and action at every level, from local communities to international level.
Seminar Nasional MBI 28 Oktober 2023
Implementasi Kearifan Lokal dalam Upaya Menekan Laju Deforestasi di Indonesia
Keanekaragaman suku, ras, bahasa dan budaya merupakan satu dari banyak kekayaan non benda yang dimiliki Indonesia. Keanekaragaman tersebut mengandung nilai-nilai, pandangan hidup dan pengetahuan turun-temurun yang disebut sebagai kearifan lokal. Komunitas masyarakat adat yang sudah ada sejak lama di Nusantara bahkan sebelum menjadi Indonesia terus bertahan ditengah perubahan zaman.
International Conference on Biodiversity 13 May 2023
Opportunities and challenges of genome edited crops for supporting food security
Genome editing is a new, simpler technology for regulating genes that affect the traits of living things. Genome editing technology utilizes the traits in living things to be improved. Genome editing is a technological breakthrough that is very promising to be developed in Indonesia and globally. Currently, genome editing has expanded in various sectors, especially in agriculture. Many kinds of research and genome editing applications in food crops have been carried out.
Seminar Nasional MBI 10 Maret 2023
Pelestarian Keragaman Hayati dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal melalui Ekowisata Berkelanjutan
Indonesia dengan pesona wisatanya di berbagai bagian daratan dan perairan, dengan semua keragaman hayati dan budaya yang dimiliki, menjadikan negara ini sebagai tempat yang sangat cocok untuk pengaplikasian ekowisata. Ekowisata merupakan kegiatan wisata yang berbasis wawasan lingkungan dengan mengutamakan aspek konservasi alam, pemberdayaan sosial budaya ekonomi masyarakat lokal serta aspek pembelajaran dan pendidikan.
Event – 2022
International Conference on Biodiversity 22 October 2022
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Tropical Wetlands Biodiversity
Wetlands are area where water and lands meets therefore it is a land that saturated with water. Wetlands are divided into permanent wetlands and seasonal wetlands. In the world is estimated 4.7 million square kilometers area of tropical and subtropical wetlands. Tropical wetlands are one of the ecosystems that have a very important role because of their high biodiversity and enormous socio-ecological value.
Seminar Nasional MBI 21 Oktober 2022
Potensi Keanekaragaman Hayati untuk Pengembangan Biofarmasi di Indonesia
Indonesia memiliki kondisi geografis yang dapat mendukung jenis-jenis makhluk hidup untuk tumbuh dan berkembang biak dengan baik, sehingga membuat Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi. Keanekaragaman hayati di Indonesia tersebar dibanyak tipe ekosistem, baik darat maupun perairan. Banyak potensi keanekaragaman hayati yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh manusia, contohnya untuk kebutuhan pangan, ekowisata, ilmu pengetahuan dan di bidang pengobatan, salah satunya adalah biofarmasi.
International Conference on Biodiversity 27 August 2022
Coastal area management for sustainable use of marine resources
As a country with the second-longest coastline in the world, Indonesia has huge marine resources potential that can be utilized for human welfare. Fisheries and tourism sectors have a profound proportion in coastal areas in Indonesia. In fact, fishery products are one of the export commodities that have a significant role in increasing the country’s foreign exchange.
Seminar Nasional MBI 26 August 2022
Implemetasi bioetika dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia
Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi kesejahteraan hidup manusia. Kemajuan penelitian khususnya dalam bidang biologi dan kesehatan membuka kemungkinan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia melalui teknologi terbaru. Berbagai penyakit degeneratif dapat disembuhkan, bahkan dapat dicegah seiring dengan berkembangnya penemuan di bidang biomedis. Namun seperti pedang bermata dua, beberapa keberhasilan tersebut memunculkan masalah terkait dengan norma dan etis.
Previous Event – 2021
International Conference on Biodiversity and Microbiology – 18 December 2021
Biodiversity is an essential resource for humans. High biodiversity determines the stability of environmental functions and services in various ecosystems and shows how abundant the wealth of germplasm can be utilized to improve people’s welfare. One of the biodiversity that can be utilized is microbes.
Webinar Nasional MBI – 18 September 2021
Kementrian kehutanan merupakan salah satu sektor yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengurusan tersedianya ketahanan pangan, salah satu tugasnya adalah menyediakan lahan hutan untuk pengembangan pangan dalam bentuk agroforestri.
Previous Event – 2020
Webinar International MBI
Previous Event – 2019
Seminar Nasional MBI – 31 Agustus 2019
Konversi hutan di Indonesia telah menjadi lahan agroekosistem telah berjalan sejak abad 16 hingga sekarang. Banyak hutan dikonversi menjadi lahan perkebunan, sebagian menjadi hutan sekunder, semak belukar dan lahan terbuka. Peningkatan konversi hutan tersebut di dorong oleh laju pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk Indonesia lebih dari 1,3 pertahun.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 5 Oktober 2019
Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, Indonesia dikagetkan dengan masalah kesehatan dan gizi, yaitu stunting atau gagal tumbuh pada balita. Meskipun menurun dari tahun ke tahun, angka stunting tersebut masih berkisar di atas standar yang ditetapkan oleh World Heatlh Organization (WHO) maksimum sebesar 20%.
International Conference MBI – 11/12 November 2019
A long-term commitment to fundamental biological research relevant to the needs of bio-based industry should be maintained. The genetics of plants and bacteria that lead to an understanding of genes that control plant pathways and cellular process, the physiology and biochemistry of plants and microorganism directed towards improving bioconversion process, and modification of plant metabolism represent major research interest.
International Conference MBI – 14/15 Desember 2019
The tourism industry represents one of the main sectors in the global economy, often referred to as the world’s largest single industry . Biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, is a large part of what makes tourist destinations such as tropical forests, beaches, coasts and islands , mountains, rivers and lake and national parks, so attractive . Approximately half of the leisure trips taken globally are to natural area.
Previous Event – 2018
Seminar Nasional MBI – 6 April 2018
Spesies asli adalah spesies yang terbentuk secara alami di suatu wilayah sejalan dengan proses pembentukan geomorfologi kawasan tersebut. Spesies endemik adalah spesies asli yang hanya ditemukan di wilayah tertentu dan unik untuk lokasi geografis tertentu seperti pulau, negara, zona, atau tipe habitat.
International Conference MBI – 7/8 April 2018
The concept of flagship species has its genesis in the field of conservation biology. The flagship species concept holds that by raising the profile of a particular species, it can successfully leverage more support for biodiversity conservation at large in a particular context.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 6 Juli 2018
Perubahan landskap sudah berjalan lama di Indonesia, dimulai sejak pada abad 16, banyak hutan telah mengalami kerusakan akibat berbagai aktivitas manusia, seperti penebangan liar, perubahan tataguna lahan hutan, dan aktivitas perladangan.
International Conference MBI – 7/8 Juli 2018
The 2030 Sustainable Development’s agenda was agreed by the 193 States Members of the United Nations. Sustainable development and sustainability cannot be separated since sustainability is considered as the long term goal of sustainable development.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 28 September 2018
Penangkaran adalah proses pemeliharaan tanaman atau hewan di lingkungan yang terkendali, seperti suaka margasatwa, cagar alam, kebun binatang, kebun raya, dan fasilitas konservasi lainnya (bahkan termasuk peternakan, rumah pribadi, dan dan laboratorium).
International Conference MBI – 29 September 2018
Penangkaran adalah proses pemeliharaan tanaman atau hewan di lingkungan yang terkendali, seperti suaka margasatwa, cagar alam, kebun binatang, kebun raya, dan fasilitas konservasi lainnya (bahkan termasuk peternakan, rumah pribadi, dan dan laboratorium).
International Conference MBI – 29/30 September 2018
The variety of life on Earth is essential for the welfare of current and future generations. The conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biological diversity can help solve a range of societal challenges. For example, “Protecting ecosystems and ensuring access to ecosystem services by poor and vulnerable groups are essential to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.
Seminar NasionaI MBI – 3 November 2018
Keanekaragaman hayati adalah komponen utama dalam keseimbangan ekosistem dan pendukung dalam keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan sandang, pangan dan papan masyarakat sangat tergantung pada keanekaragaman hayati sebagai sumber daya utama (bioresources) terutama dari sisi ekonomi.
Previous Event – 2017
International Conference MBI – 28/29 januari 2017
Publication is a certificate for a person to be recognized as a researcher. Even, without adequate publicity, someone working at a research institute can not be considered as a researcher. Through a publication, a researcher can contribute to the welfare and salvation for mankind.
International Conference MBI – 18/19 Maret 2017
Volcanoes are one of the most spectacular and beautiful features of the physical world. On the other hand, great volcanic eruptions in historic times have brought death and destruction to many areas around the world. Volcanoes pose a threat to almost half a billion people; today there are approximately 500 active volcanoes on Earth, and every year there are 10 to 40 volcanic eruptions.
International Conference MBI – 20/21 Mei 2017
Increasing population growth and rapid use of bio-resources lead to decreasing of natural capital. The natural ecosystem has been changed into man-made ecosystem such as agriculture, forestry, urban system and other land use activities. Biodiversity as a component of natural capital is always affected by the activities. Consequently this condition affect the ecosystem health.
International Conference MBI – 9/10 September 2017
Borneo or Kalimantan is the largest island in Asia and third largest in the world with an area of 743,330 km2, and the highest peak is Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m) in Sabah, Malaysia.
Seminar NasionaI MBI – 23/24 September 2017
Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes, is one of the large islands of Indonesia. It is the most important island in the “Wallacea subregion”, situated in the centre of the Indonesian archipelago, between Borneo (Kalimantan) and the Moluccan islands.
International Conference MBI – 14/15 Oktober 2017
Tropical peatlands are common in Southeast Asia (about 70%), especially in Indonesia. They are significant carbon sinks and store large amounts of carbon and their damage can significantly impact on the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
International Conference MBI – 4/5 November 2017
The biodiversity or biological diversity was introduced in the mid-1980s by naturalists who were worried about the rapid destruction of natural ecosystems. The destruction has caused habitat fragmentations and loss, extinction and loss of species, and decreasing environmental services.
International Conference – 8/10 Desember 2017
Global climate change models (GCMs) predicted that by the end of 21st century, in comparison to averages prior to the 1980s, global warming will bring about : a 3-4 C increase in mean temperature, a 30-40% decrease in rainfall, significant changes in seasonality, a rise in sea level and more frequent severe weather events relative to pre-1980s records (IPCC 2007)
Previous Event – 2016
International Conference – 14/16 Januari 2016
Borneo or Kalimantan is the largest island in Asia and third largest in the world with an area of 743,330 km2; the highest peak is Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m) in Sabah, Malaysia. The widest part of the island is located in Indonesia (73%), the rest is in Malaysia (26%) and Brunei Darussalam (1%).
International Conference – 19/20 Maret 2016
Agro-ecosystem biodiversity includes all components of biodiversity relevant to food and agriculture, including genetic crops and livestock resources. While species extinction is a matter of increasing concern, changes in biodiversity in the world’s agricultural landscapes have been largely escaped attention.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 23 April 2016
Komoditas pertanian merupakan andalan utama bangsa-bangsa di Nusantara selama ratusan tahun untuk menjaga kesejahteraan perekonomian. Dari bangsa maritim Austronesia yang menyebar ke seluruh perairan Nusantara dengan perahu kecil bercadik.
International Conference MBI – 28/29 Mei 2016
As the agenda of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has concluded in 2015, world leaders have also called for new ambitious agenda in order to improve human life and to protect the environment for the next generation. The agenda, known as the Sustainable Development Goals, is projected to overcome a number of issues that include programs for poverty and hunger alleviation, health care and education betterment, sustainable urban development, climate change countermeasure, and ocean and forest protection.
International Conference MBI – 20 Agustus 2016
Seminar Nasional MBI – 17 September 2016
International Conference MBI – 8/9 Oktober 2016
Seminar MBI – 4 November 2016
Pra Kongres & Kongres MBI – 4/5 November 2016
International Conference MBI – 5/6 November 2016
Seminar Nasional MBI – 26 November 2016
Previous Event – 2015
Seminar Nasional MBI – 21 Maret 2015
Kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia, baik di laut maupun di darat, memberi tekanan yang sangat besar terhadap kelestarian keanekaragaman hayatinya. Namun, harapan atas kelestarian dan upaya pemanfaatannya secara berkelanjutan terus tumbuh sejalan dengan banyaknya pihak-pihak yang tidak mau menyerah atas degradasi yang terus terjadi.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 21 Maret 2015
Kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia, baik di laut maupun di darat, memberi tekanan yang sangat besar terhadap kelestarian keanekaragaman hayatinya. Namun, harapan atas kelestarian dan upaya pemanfaatannya secara berkelanjutan terus tumbuh sejalan dengan banyaknya pihak-pihak yang tidak mau menyerah atas degradasi yang terus terjadi.
Seminar Nasional MBI – 9 Mei 2015
Secara ekologi Provinsi Jawa Tengah merupakan kawasan yang unik karena menjadi batas ekosistem bagian barat Pulau Jawa yang basah dan bagian timur yang kering. Sebagai daerah ekoton, Jawa Tengah memiliki perwakilan habitat dan jenis-jenis biota dari Jawa bagian barat maupun timur
Seminar Nasional MBI – 13 Juni 2015
Dataran tinggi merupakan bagian kecil dari kontur bumi, namun memegang peranan penting dalam iklim dan geomorfologi. Daur hidrologi sangat tergantung pada kawasan pegunungan. Kurang dari 20% permukaan bumi di Indonesia terletak di dataran tinggi (> 1000 m dpl.). Hanya di Papua, dataran tinggi mencakup kawasan yang cukup luas
Seminar Nasional MBI – 12 September 2015
Wilayah perkotaan sering kali dilupakan dalam kajian keanekaragaman hayati. Kajian ini umumnya mengambil lokasi di tempat-tempat terpencil, yang jauh dari aktivitas manusia, seperti hutan, gunung, pantai dan lautan yang jauh dari proses antropogenik.